Student Support Services
Our school has professional teaching consultants in order to provide personalized service
Individual learning Plan
Students’ English level will be assessed when students come into school. Tutorial programs on weekends are slotted for students who have missed a class or tutor lessons due to extenuating circumstances in order to allow students to finish their tasks accordingly. Based on the student’s background and interest, our consultants will make individualistic
learning plans for the students.

Tracking students’ Learning
Students’ attendance and lateness is tracked daily. Students grades and credits may
be affected if students arrive late, leave early or absent from classes. Homework
and assignment must be handed in on the due date.
Tracking students’ attendance
Students’ attendance and lateness is tracked daily. Students grades and credits may
be affected if students arrive late, leave early or absent from classes. Homework
and assignment must be handed in on the due date.
Reporting to parents
School reports detailing mid-term and final-term grades will be sent to parents in order
to provide them with a regular understanding and assessment of their children’s situations
regarding their learning and living.